I guess it is a normal thing for us to go into an “auto pilot” mode sometimes in our lives. For us here, it is touring, office work, touring, office work, touring, office work, etc. Please don’t misunderstand me, I love what we do and I understand the importance of this ministry, but once in a while, life just runs on that auto pilot mode.
In my devotions this morning, I was reading about how God called Abraham into service, and how God took care of him every step of his life. I am certainly not Abraham, but I know God has called us into this ministry to spread the Gospel. It is the highest calling – not just for me and my family, but for all believers. I also know how God has taken care of us every step of our ministry and our lives.
I don’t want this ministry and our opportunities in spreading the Gospel to fall into auto pilot mode. I want everything we do to be top notch and at a high level of excellence. I want my songs to reach people that normally wouldn’t hear about Jesus. I want the words I speak, on stage and off, to be as full of wisdom and encouragement as Abrahams were. I want this not for myself, but to further the Kingdom Of God.
Please pray for us as we travel and spread the Gospel all around this country. Please pray that nothing will distract us or keep us from being as effective as we can in what God has called us to do. Pray that God will continue to lead and guide us in this ministry like He did with Abraham.
I’m officially done having children – four is a perfect number for Kelli and me. I certainly don’t think I’ll have “descendants as numerous as the stars” like Abraham did, but it’s important to us to add as many people as we can to the Kingdom Of God by spreading the Gospel.
Thank you for your time and prayers,
