April is here and our flowers around the yard are starting to peek through the ground. What that means to me is that repairs and projects that have been put off during the winter can start soon. Our equipment that we travel with is used quite a bit, and when we are on the road, things often get a “quick fix” just to get by, now all of those kind of fixes need attention.

Most people think that Pastors only work one day a week and the rest of the time they have it easy. Well, we know that’s not true, but I really would like to know what people think we do. There is so much more to do then just playing my horn. Booking, planning tours, contracts, promotional, book keeping, itineraries, follow ups, traveling, setting up, tearing down, fund raising,…….there is just so much more that goes into one concert that people don’t realize that we do and when you multiply that 280 concerts a year, you will see why things get over whelming sometimes.

Now a days, it seems that people measure their success by how busy they are; I don’t want to do that and I really don’t care how busy I am, I just want to serve God with every breath I take. All the things that we do in this ministry are all worth it when people’s lives are changed at a concert. That is our drive and our mission.

Kelli and I just celebrated our 17 year anniversary this past Saturday, Kaitlin got her drivers permit and Brooke lost her two front teeth. The boys are doing great, but all of us are looking forward to summer break so we can all be together more.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel and spread the Gospel. Pray for God to use us, make us effective and keep us safe.

Thanks for checking in.
