My last update I did, I was saying how much I enjoyed the spring with the flowers peeking through the ground and the warmer weather starting to come. Well… is now the beginning of May and it is still cool, the flowers are not where I thought they would be by now and this coming weekend is my first outdoor show for the year and the weather is suppose to be raining and a high of 61.

That may all sound like I’m complaining, but I’m really not. I definitely enjoy the warmer weather but not the really hot days. It is no fun as a trumpet player to be dripping wet in sweat after your first song and try to keep a mouthpiece from slipping off your face for a long concert. Not fun at all.

Things are going well right now. God continues to bless us every step of the way in this ministry. Many lives have changed this year and I’m excited to see many more change. Just the other day I had a guys come to two separate concerts. The second one he came to he had to travel several hours for, but when he came to the second show, he brought his dad. He knew his dad would like the music, but really knew that his dad needed the message. After the concert was done and things began to clear out, I saw both of them praying with the pastor, and later found out that the dad received Christ that night.

Stories like that just amaze me. I am so in awe that God does things through us and uses us in ways we don’t even know sometimes. I never met the guy, but found out that the trumpet was his favorite instrument, and God used the trumpet that night to speak to that guy in a personal way that will forever change his life and his eternal existence. WOW!!!

Praise God that stories like that aren’t because of me, but because of God. I never want to get in God’s way of doing His thing in the way He does it. Even on my best day, my work doesn’t even measure to what God can do through me in a split second.

Please continue to pray for our safety as we clock in many hours on the road, pray for our families and pray that God continues to use every breath and note for His glory.

Thanks for checking in,
