I just got back from a tour down south that ended in Naples FL. I left there Sunday afternoon where the temperature was 84 and I was driving around with my windows down. Five hours later on that trip home, I still had the windows down but added a sweatshirt. Five hours from then….windows up, heat on and then by the time I got home, there was a thin layer of ice all over the truck and the temperature was 17.
I did enjoy the warmer weather for a few days but am glad to be home for a few days. Some tours are easy while some are very hard. This past tour was one of those that was very hard for several reasons, but God still did some awesome things and peoples lives were changed. It is so cool that even when I am not at my best, God is.
We have been getting a lot of calls and emails about our tour out west next month, so all of you guys out there; check out our schedule to see where we will be at and come out and see us.
Thanks for checking in,
