Happy New Year !!!!!
Wow, did that little break go fast. Kelli and I get less than two weeks off during the Christmas/New Year’s break to spend time as a family, and I am sitting at my desk writing this and wondering where those days went. Kaitlin and I didn’t even get to play our annual Monopoly game. Correction – I didn’t even get a chance to horribly beat Kaitlin in our annual Monopoly game. Haha.
I know that what we do here at this ministry may not seem like big deal to most of you; I know that we are not curing diseases, building financial empires, inventing the latest and greatest thing, or even building a legacy.  Heck, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to build the shed that I have been wanting to for a few years.  Let’s be real.  I am a guy that plays a trumpet to background music.  How weird is that?  By the world’s standards, and according our “tax bracket”, I am as low as you go. But what we do, and why we exist is not measured by this world, it is measured by God!!
2016 was an awesome year with over 1660 people that dedicated their lives to Christ at the concerts and opportunities that God allowed us to have. That is not meant to be a boastful comment, but instead a statement of declaration and renewal to our dedication as a ministry. Kelli and I, and the whole Rider family, are going to do whatever God wants us to do to make this year even greater in our service to Him.
Thank you to all of you that have joined us in supporting this ministry financially and through prayer. We are really looking forward to seeing God do some AWESOME things this year!!!
Thanks for your time,