I love this time of year – It’s my favorite!! The weather is starting to get a bit cooler, and pretty soon the leaves will change colors, and it will be Fall.
But right now, I literally cannot wait until we get through the next few months. These election years seem to get harder and harder each time they come around. I get it, people have their opinions and are VERY passionate about what they believe – and that is fine – as a matter of fact, I think that’s great!
I don’t get on social media often, but when I have signed on lately, it is just brutal. People are saying awful things and just keep tearing down other people. The news does the same thing. Turn on one channel and it tears down one person, turn to the next channel and it is putting the other person down. It’s just ugly.
I have zero problems with people thinking differently, but do we have to be nasty about our differences?
I love black vehicles. My truck is black, and I love it. I think black is just a sharp color on most vehicles. You don’t see me going up to somebody at a gas station and tearing into them because their car is red, or blue, or some other color. We all like different things. I know that the subjects we are currently talking about as a nation are way more important than the color of a car, but do we have to be so mean in the approach that we take to talk about our differences?
When I was in high school, I was already doing a lot of touring around the country and at times, I struggled to keep up with my schoolwork. We were required to read these huge, long books like Mark Twain, To Kill a Mockingbird, Moby-Dick, The Scarlet Letter, and many more. My problem was getting the time on the road to sit down and read these long, long books. I discovered something called “Cliff Notes”. If you don’t know what they are, they are an abbreviated version of books. These Cliff Notes gave the main points and allowed me to understand a lot about the book without having to read the whole thing. They also helped me to stay caught up and be able to participate in my classes.
As we witness so much division right now in this country, and even this world, we just need to focus our lives on something WAY more important than all the divided discussions and hateful words being spewed carelessly. We all just need to get into the Word of God!
Now, that may come across to some of you as a “cliché” thing to say, and I am sure some people even rolled their eyes when they read that. But right now, how about we start with the Cliff Notes of the whole entire Bible – which is to Love God and Love People!
That’s it. That is my encouragement to everyone reading this right now. Love God – and you’ll want to be closer to Him and be more like Him. Love People as God loves us – no matter what differences you have with them!
Thanks for your time and for checking in! Enjoy the cooler weather!
