The springs tours have started off really well so far. We feel very blessed to have seen a lot of people receive Christ as their Savior the past few weeks and are hoping to see several more before the spring tour ends.

We are getting ready to hit the west coast later this week. For some reason, our western tours end up having some sort of vehicle troubles, so please keep us in your prayers for traveling mercies and that we are problem free during this tour.

These longer tours seem to be a lot harder on Kelli and the kids than it is on us. I really wish they could come on the road so that they could share the experiences with us. Hopefully we can make that happen over the summer.

I was fortunate to be home to celebrate Kelli and my 14 year anniversary as well as Kaitlin’s 13th birthday this week. Where does the time go?

Thanks for your interest, your support, and most of all, your prayers for our ministry. I’ll write again at the end of April when I get home. By then, I’m sure I’ll have some good west coast stories to tell.

Thanks for checking in,