Whats New, August 31 2010

Wow, what an awesome summer. Our ministry schedule was ok, but we had a ball with the kids. I think this has been the best summer we have ever had as a family. I can’t say we did anything huge, but we did so many little things together that it made the best summer for...

Whats New, July 23,2010

This ministry update will seem more like a face book post then anything. I’m sitting in a hotel room right now chilling before a show this afternoon. I love what I do but that’s not the cool part, the cool part is that both boys came with me on this trip and we are...

What’s New, June 17, 2010

Summer is officially here, the kids are out of school and the fun has just begun! This is the time of year when things slow down for the ministry. We don’t do many tours, in fact, our schedule is mostly weekends with a few mid-week shows here and there. Things...

What’s New, May 18, 2010

We’ve been off of the road for 3 week already and are just now starting to get caught up in the office. I know that some people don’t understand every aspect of this ministry and what goes on behind the scenes; Some people think that I show up to churches,...