by Chiz Rider | Aug 9, 2016 | What’s New
Where did this summer go? I like having a slower summer schedule so we can do more family things, but this summer has been crazy busy with so much that we have not had the “family summer” we wanted. I am definitely for education and for my kids to be in school, but...
by Chiz Rider | Jul 7, 2016 | What’s New
I have done concerts in so many places – and I really do enjoy what I get to do, but there are some places we go that I just don’t understand why we are there. I had a recent experience at a church that I just don’t know why we were there. The concert was fine,...
by Chiz Rider | Jun 1, 2016 | What’s New
I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and had the opportunity to go to a service that honored our fallen soldiers that gave it all so we can live in this awesome country. A lot of band and other ministries seem to get very busy during the summer months, but...
by Chiz Rider | May 5, 2016 | What’s New
One of the big challenges with this life is balancing the ministry and road life with home and family time. The first part of this year has been very busy with a lot of tours and being away from home, but the next four months, even though they are busy, will be much...
by Chiz Rider | Apr 1, 2016 | What’s New
It has only been two weeks or so since I did the last update. Not much has happened since then. We’ve had a few concerts, and Easter was great, but the fun thing that I get to talk about in this post today, is that Kelli and I just celebrated our twenty year...