What’s New, November 1, 2014

This is my favorite time of year; the temperature is awesome, the trees are beautiful, and everywhere you look you see incredible colors. God is so cool having created so much change in our weather and environment. There is a lot going on right now in the ministry....

What’s New, October 1, 2014

God has really blessed us with a full schedule of concerts and opportunities to use our gifts for Him. Are all concerts the same? No way. I will say, and I’m not lying, that I really do enjoy every concert I do, but as you may have read in the last update, some go...

What’s New, September 2, 2014

I try to keep these “What’s New” updates positive and upbeat. I have a really cool job, but it does have it’s ups and downs. I enjoy telling you all about how God uses this ministry to do AWESOME things and lead people to Christ, but it does take me away from the...

What’s New, August 12, 2014

Wow, has this summer been going sooooooo fast. It seems like the kids just got out of school and now we only have two more weeks of summer. What’s up with that? We have had a good summer. The ministry definitely slows down during the summer months and without us...