Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

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Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, September 18, 2024

I love this time of year – It’s my favorite!! The weather is starting to get a bit cooler, and pretty soon the leaves will change colors, and it will be Fall. But right now, I literally cannot wait until we get through the next few months. These election years seem to get harder and harder each time they come around. I get it, people have their opinions and are VERY passionate about what they believe - and that is fine - as a matter of fact, I...

What’s New, June 7, 2024

What’s New, June 7, 2024

This time of year, like most of the year, is just packed with holidays, celebrations and much more. Memorial Day was a few days ago, D-Day was yesterday, and we have the 4th of July coming soon. On top of that, here in our house we had Brooke’s prom a few weeks ago, her high school graduation today and her birthday coming up. Chases birthday was a little while ago and Kelli’s birthday comes at the end of July!! It is cool that we get to...

What’s New, May 1, 2024

I was doing a short mid-west tour last week and saw something that just cracked me up so much, that I laughed out-load in the truck!! I saw one of those electric billboards that states use to give traffic alerts say, “if you are in the left lane and not passing, you are a failure !!” Come on…..that is SO AWESOME!!! You know a middle age or older person programmed that!! It is true though!! Now a days, this younger generation is “sensitive “and...

What’s New, April 3, 2024

The last few weeks have been a huge challenge for us here! Somewhere in my travels I seem to have picked up some kind of virus / infection….something!! I went to several doctors, and no one knows what it is. It started a day after I got home from a short tour. I woke up and my lips were swollen pretty bad. I looked like I had plastic surgery on my lips! A day later, my mouth had several growths in it that kind of looked like I had a second row...

What’s New, February 9, 2024

Anybody that knows me, knows that I DO NOT like Valentines Day at all. It’s a horrible holiday. As I have said many times…if I need a holiday to remind me to tell my wife “I Love You” or a holiday to remind me to give her more attention, then I am a terrible husband. We live our own lives and some of us go through a ton of things in our lives. We go through good times and hard times. I know that a lot of people get close to God when they are...

What’s New, January 3, 2024

My first “What’s New” of the year will not be anything but a specific prayer. I pray that God uses this ministry to spread the Gospel to as many people as He wants us to. I pray that the words that come from this ministry will be His and only His words and that those words will be the exact things people need to hear to come back or come to the Holy Throne of God. Let me, and everyone else stay out of the way and let it all be about the Gospel!...

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.