Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, November 9, 2023

Have you ever seen something that REALLY excited you and you just had to buy it, but when you got it, it wasn’t anything like you thought it would be? Recently, I was at a grocery store and saw Apple Fritter Monkey Bread!!! I mean…come on, just the name itself is enough!! First off, if you don’t think that apple fritters are legit, one of the most amazing things you can consume, you might as well consider us not being friends!! Haha! But...

What’s New, October 6, 2023

What’s New, October 6, 2023

Someone came to a concert a few days ago and told me that I never talk about my family on my website, but only at concerts. Well…..we can’t have that!!! I love talking about my family and how blessed they are to have me in their lives!! I think every parent thinks their kids are the best!! They are ALL wrong because ours are the best!! So here we go…. Kaitlin is now 26 and recently got engaged. He is a good guy but is a huge Pittsburgh Steeler...

What’s New, September 1, 2023

What a great time of year!! We are approaching my favorite time of year, Fall!! I love Fall so much. It is so beautiful; the temperature is cooler, and the house just feels cozier! The summer was pretty good for the ministry. Not our busiest ever, but steady and we saw many people begin relationships with Christ. I have a “Ministry Dream” that I have had for a long time and ran into another situation recently that makes me wish the ministry...

What’s New, August 1, 2023

About a week ago, we had a strong storm come through the area we live in, and we think a lightning strike must have hit our property directly because we lost cable, internet, modems, our office phone system, some TV’s and maybe a refrigerator (still working on that)! I was very frustrated!!! The more I walked around the house and barn after the storm, the more things I found damaged! When I was done assessing everything and making a plan to get...

What’s New, July 13, 2023

Backup plans is my “thing”!! I definitely like to plan things out and have a plan B, a plan C and sometimes even more plans. Noone knows I have these alternative plans, but they are usually running in my head……..just in case!! Years ago, we used to manage a very large art and music festival! It was 3-4 days long and there were well over 10, 000 people who came out to it. Weeks before the festival started, we would have long conference calls to...

What’s New, June 8, 2023

Romania was a good trip, and I was very blessed to have had the opportunity to be there. All of the country’s teachers went on strike just before we arrived, so that took out a lot of places we could have played at, but the opportunities we did have were great and we were blessed to be there. Now, as we face summer getting started, we are looking forward to seeing God do great things in the outdoor concerts we have. Outdoor concerts usually...

What’s New, May 11, 2023

I have always been amazed to see all the doors God has opened for this ministry to share the Gospel through the trumpet. We have been to every state in the US and to many other corners of this world. In a few days we will be heading to Romania to share the Gospel with as many people as we can there. Please pray for us. Pray for safety, endurance and most importantly…..pray many people will hear and respond to God’s Love. I will post an update...

What’s New, April 1, 2023

Our phones, smart watches, apps and so many other things in our lives monitor our every move. Because of certain technology in our lives, we know exactly where we are, where we are going, how many calories we have consumed, how many steps we have done in a day and the one I love the most….how much screen time we have in our day. The amount of time that some people spend on their phones is crazy. I am not exempt from this, and I would say that I...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.