What’s New, April 21, 2011

I just finished a western tour and am getting ready to leave for a mid-west tour in two days, but WOW, have things been awesome. Concerts went well, we had no vehicle problems (except for my bug shield ripping off in a wind storm and taking a huge amount of paint with...

What’s New, March 14, 2011

This time of year is always pretty crazy, as soon as we get home from one trip, we head right back out for another. We are very blessed with such a full schedule, but I really miss the family time when we are this busy. But just because we are busy doesn’t mean that...

What’s New, February 11, 2011

I’m down south right now for a few weeks. I really expected it to be a little warmer then what it is, but its still very nice. Everything at home seems to be running smooth without me (which makes things on the road run good too), so there is nothing for me to have to...

What’s New, January 13, 2010

Another year has begun and I am really looking forward to seeing the challenges and blessings this new year will bring. We’ve had a fantastic holiday break with the kids, family and friends. We are now back in the office full force trying to get as much done as...