Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, September 1, 2015

September is here and I’m torn between being excited and being bummed. You see, September means that everyone starts to come out of their summer mode and things start to get real busy for us in the office and on the road. The other side of things is that our kids go back to school, and we get a lot less family time. Kelli and I are happy that the kids are getting an education, but we do enjoy doing a lot together as a family. Maybe Kelli and I...

What’s New, August 12, 2015

We just got back from a trip to Guatemala and WOW, did God do some awesome things there. We were very blessed to have been in quite a few schools throughout the week as well as a church and  a park.  We finished the week with a city wide crusade. The team that I went with was amazing, and how everything worked out is evident that God was in control. I really enjoy being able to use the trumpet to break down any language barrier and spread the...

What’s New, July 1, 2015

This time of year is always so much fun. Having the kids home from school and being able to be home from long tours myself, just makes the summer months a lot of fun. It is also FIREWORKS time. The fourth of July is awesome, but it is a day that is much more than fireworks, food, concerts and whatever else people do that day. It is the day we celebrate our independence day as a country. It is the day the Declaration of Independence was put into...

What’s New, June 2, 2015

Last month’s update, I told you a story from the road. That is something I could do every update I do. I have sooooo many stories that I could write a book. Some stories would be funny, some sad, some crazy and some that should never be told. But these updates are not just for the stories, but for how things are going in this ministry. There are some things that always seem to go well, and then some things that I think we will always struggle...

What’s New, May 5, 2015

All right, I have to share this story with you…. I have turned into the person that I use to make fun of when I was growing up. I always use to wondered why people would sit in malls and on benches in the middle of towns and just sit in these places and watch people. I always use to think that it would be so boring to do that, but now…..I LOVE doing that. People are so entertaining!!!!! This past week I was out on the road from Thursday to...

What’s New, April 8, 2015

We were very blessed the other day to have been able to sit down with some good friends and reminisce about the good old days of this ministry and the crazy things we use to do on the road. We were young and dumb. We remember passing snacks back and forth between the truck and the van as we were going 70 mph on the highway. We remembered a certain opening act that performed before us singing one phrase of a song over and over again (it lasted...

What’s New, March 6, 2015

Is it March already? Wow, is this year flying by so fast!!! I don’t know if I am turning into an old guy or what, but I usually don’t mind the cold weather and all the snow, but as of now, I am looking forward to this winter going away soon. We have been so blessed and have seen some awesome things happen this year. A few weeks ago, I watched a whole family respond to the invitation that night at a concert. It started with a younger child, then...

What’s New, February 3, 2015

We have had a good start to 2015 and are excited to see how God is already using us in an awesome way. Every day we are in the office, we are booking shows for later this year, 2016 and even 2017. We are currently working on new songs and other things to update our concerts and keep things fresh. But as always, we focus all of our attention on using the right songs and the right tools to present the Gospel in the clearest way we can. Even...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.