Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, May 1, 2014

There are moments in life where we all get so busy and at the end of that busy time, we have not gotten anything we wanted to done. The last month has been running around clearing out Dad’s house and storage places, little tours and trying to keep up with office things. But right now, I really feel behind with a lot I have to get done. I never want to be “that guy” that is always busy, so our whole family is looking forward to getting back to...

Whats New, March 29, 2014

Well, what can I say! The western tour was great. All of the concerts were good and God did some AWESOME things. Just in that 4 weeks on tour, we saw close to 200 dedicate their lives to Christ. That makes every mile and every second away from my family worth it. I feel so blessed to be a servant of God and to be used to further His Kingdom. All I really have to do some days, is stay out of Gods way and he does everything. I just never want to...

What’s New, February 26, 2014

The time has come for us to head west. I am leaving in a few days to do a great western tour. Kansas, Oregon, Arizona, Missouri and Nebraska are just some of the stops we will be making. There should be a lot of familiar faces we see on this tour, but also some new ones too. Please pray for us while we are on this trip. Pray that God will use us in an awesome way to spread His love through the trumpet. Pray that there will be no problems so we...

What’s New, February 4, 2014

I just got back from a tour down south that ended in Naples FL. I left there Sunday afternoon where the temperature was 84 and I was driving around with my windows down. Five hours later on that trip home, I still had the windows down but added a sweatshirt. Five hours from then….windows up, heat on and then by the time I got home, there was a thin layer of ice all over the truck and the temperature was 17. I did enjoy the warmer weather for a...

What’s New, January 2, 2014

The New Year has started and we are gearing up for a great year of concerts. 2013 was a awesome year as we saw over 950 people receive Christ as their Savior. We are praying that God will continue to use this ministry and our family to spread His love. Please check out our schedule and come see us when we are close by you.

What’s New, November 26, 2013

Well here we go!!!! December is about to start and the Christmas music is coming out of the horn to celebrate the greatest time of year. I always enjoy doing concerts and playing my horns, but this time of the year is a lot of fun. Check out our schedule and see if we are close to you and come out and celebrate Christ’s birth with us in a Big Band Swing Christmas Concert. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!!!  ...

What’s New November 5, 2013

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us am eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” I could have woke up this morning and been in a bad mood that I am not on the road...

What’s New October 16, 2013

I just finished a two and a half week tour that started in Pennsylvania and went to Kentucky, Oklahoma, Colorado, Ohio and Kansas. I made some new friends and got to see some old ones. I put a lot of miles on the truck and played A LOT of music. I played shows in churches, theatres, schools and a prison. I received a Emu egg as a gift and had a afternoon off that I got to hike around the “Garden of the gods” in Colorado Springs. My family...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.