Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New November 29, 2011

We have our Christmas tree up, the house and yard decorated, and the Christmas music is playing. It’s such a fun time of year. I would normally say that it's now time to begin my Christmas concerts, but I have been getting requests for Christmas music since the beginning of October. But now marks the spot of the real Christmas shows. They are a lot of fun with the big band sounds and with the churches decorated. This time of year just has a...

What’s New October 21, 2011 —- Prayer Request

I love this time of year, it’s cooler and with all the leaves turning, it just makes some of our drives gorgeous. I like the summer, but I definitely like the cooler weather. The ministry is very busy right now with a full touring schedule as well as a lot going on in the office. 2012 is filling up quickly and we have already booked many concerts in 2013 and a few in 2014. There has been a few churches that have had to cancel because of a lot...

What’s New September 30, 2011

Two updates in one month, that is not normal, but I thought I would get one more in before the schedule got crazy. As I said in my last update, we are hitting the studio and beginning a new CD. We will start on Thursday and hopefully finish half of the trumpet parts sometime on Friday. This project is not our normal kind of music. It is a collection of some old traditional hymns. My father has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and has a...

What’s New September 2, 2011

Schools back in session, the office is booking concerts like crazy and the schedule starts to get busy now. I may sound like a sap when I say this, but I think I dislike school more then my older kids do. Its not that I don’t like it, but I get jealous of school because it almost feels like it takes my kids from me. Especially when they have been on the road with me all summer, I’m just going to miss them. Oh well !! This fall is not the...

What’s New July 22, 2011

Wow is it hot! The summer is always fun being able to do so much outdoors, but this heat lately has made it less enjoyable to be outside. I would rather play a concert in a blizzard then in this type of heat. I’m not kidding. Even with that said, we have been having a lot of great concerts, indoors and outdoors. The office, as always this time of year has slowed down a bit, but that will start picking up in the next few weeks and the bookings...

What’s New June 22, 2011

The summer is here and its time for some fun in the sun !!! We have a lot of great things planned as a family and are already having a good summer. It may sound a little corny but when its time for the kids to go back to school, I almost get jealous that school now gets their time instead of Kelli and I. Oh well. We will enjoy them while we can. The ministries schedule slows down a lot during the summer. All of our weekends are filled with...

What’s New. May 13, 2011

Summer is almost officially here. For us it doesn’t really begin until the kids are off of school, but we are close. I am currently on my last tour of the spring. The next three months will be just long weekends during the summer, but as I said in the last update, it is a great time to be a normal family and get caught up on projects with the gear, office things and of course my “honey do list” that has grown a lot in the last 7 and a half...

What’s New, April 21, 2011

I just finished a western tour and am getting ready to leave for a mid-west tour in two days, but WOW, have things been awesome. Concerts went well, we had no vehicle problems (except for my bug shield ripping off in a wind storm and taking a huge amount of paint with it), no technical problems and most importantly, more people excepted Christ as their Savior. How cool is that? I have another month of busy touring and then things slow down a...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.