Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, March 14, 2011

This time of year is always pretty crazy, as soon as we get home from one trip, we head right back out for another. We are very blessed with such a full schedule, but I really miss the family time when we are this busy. But just because we are busy doesn’t mean that everything is great. The truth is that finances are very tight right now. Since we operate just on love offerings and not set fees, it’s hard to know what the cash flow will be like...

What’s New, February 11, 2011

I’m down south right now for a few weeks. I really expected it to be a little warmer then what it is, but its still very nice. Everything at home seems to be running smooth without me (which makes things on the road run good too), so there is nothing for me to have to do then focus on the concerts ahead of me. So far we have had some great shows this year. Already several people have dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ and even more...

What’s New, January 13, 2010

Another year has begun and I am really looking forward to seeing the challenges and blessings this new year will bring. We've had a fantastic holiday break with the kids, family and friends. We are now back in the office full force trying to get as much done as we can before the February tours start. The new Live Worship CD seems to be a hit and we've had nothing but positive feedback so far. If you haven't had a chance to pick one up, you can...

New Release

Live Worship Chiz Rider's newest CD will be released January 2, 2011. The LIVE WORSHIP CD was made from the accumulation of four live performances and put together for your enjoyment and time of praise. Many songs that he has played but never recorded are on this CD as well as several new songs including a bonus track on the end of the CD. Whether you sing along, play along or just like the sound of the trumpet, this new release will put you in...

What’s New December 1, 2010

The Christmas Season has already begun for us here at CRM.  December is full of great Christmas shows that tell the story of Christ's birth.  The concerts that we do through the year are fun, but the Christmas season just has a totally different feel.    Please pray for us that our presentation of the Gospel will be clear so that those who come to our shows will hear the message of God's Love.  Pray that many will receive the greatest gift of...

What’s New November 7, ’10

Hey there everyone, I am sorry it has been awhile since I updated, but things have been cranking busy. This fall has to be one of our busiest ever and it doesn’t help that I still haven’t found someone to travel with. I cant say that I haven’t run into people that weren’t interested, but they just have not worked out for one reason or another. I’m in the mid-west right now for a two week tour, and things are going well. We have seen several...

Whats New, August 31 2010

Wow, what an awesome summer. Our ministry schedule was ok, but we had a ball with the kids. I think this has been the best summer we have ever had as a family. I can’t say we did anything huge, but we did so many little things together that it made the best summer for all of us. Kelli and I were a little light on our office hours the last few weeks, but now that the kids are back in school and we are gearing up for a very busy fall and winter...

Whats New, July 23,2010

This ministry update will seem more like a face book post then anything. I’m sitting in a hotel room right now chilling before a show this afternoon. I love what I do but that’s not the cool part, the cool part is that both boys came with me on this trip and we are having a blast. This seems more like a vacation so far then a typical ministry trip. Lego’s, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts and late night movies are not the usual things I get on the...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.