Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, August 7, 2012

I wanted to post pictures of this horn ever since I got it a few months ago, but this is what Scott Hartman at can do with one of my old horns. How cool is this.   Thank you Scott.

What’s New, August 2, 2012

Wow !!!! Where did July go? This time of year is not as busy for us on the road, but all of the projects that have been piling up for months, have been keeping us very busy. Getting ready to launch new things on the website, working on a new CD, equipping the new truck for our use, equipment repairs and up keep as well as re-facing our promotional material, all takes time. All these projects get pushed off during our touring session because we...

What’s New, June 27, 2012

Guatemala was AWESOME!!!!!! I was so blessed to meet up with some great people that have an incredible heart for the Lord and a drive and vision to reach a lot of people to share the love of Christ. The schools we visited and played at were filled with kids that got to hear some trumpet playing and the Gospel. We based ourselves out of an orphanage that a friend of mine started. One of my goals was to bless the kids at the orphanage as much as...

What’s New, May 10,2012

The last tour I just got back from was AWESOME. As always, I saw some familiar faces, but also got to meet a lot of new people. The coolest thing of all, is that several people received Christ as their Savior. Let me share something with you; on a tour like this past one, when I’m by myself, there are a lot of hours on the road driving. There were several concerts I had to do with less than two hours of sleep the night before because of the...

What’s New, March 29, 2012

  I am very excited to announce that we sold the bus. Thank you to all of you that have been praying with us that it would sell. There is still a ton of details to work out and a few things that have to be done to it before it leaves, but it is sold. Once the transaction is complete, we will be hunting for a newer truck for the ministry. I have some specifics of what we want and need, but would love to hear any contacts or opportunities...

What’s New, February 24, 2012

Hello Everyone ! What a weird winter we have had here in Pennsylvania, barely any snow and temperatures in the 50s. That may sound good to some people, but I do miss the snow. I told Kelli the other day, that all I want is to get snowed in with the kids for just one day. I really enjoy those snow days and so do the kids. Oh well !! The ministry is doing well, we always have slow January’s on the touring end of things, but the office is very...

What’s New, January 24, 2012

Here we go !!!    2012 is looking to be a good year. The schedule is full and more concerts are coming in everyday. We have some new really cool things we are doing in our concerts. New music with a possible new CD coming out this year and so much more. We saw a lot of people making decisions for the Lord last year, and we cant wait for God to use us this year. My prayer is that God will use us like He has never used us before. Our ministry,...

What’s New December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone !!!!   This year has definitely been a challenging year for us, but the results have been AWESOME. Our last concert will be December 18th but as of now, 423 people have made decisions to accept Christ as their Savoir this year. How cool is that. We are so blessed to be doing what we are. Being used by God to reach people is the best job on the face of the earth. Yes this year has been very hard, but we are 100%...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.