Chiz Rider



We desire to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and help them draw near to Him and experience God’s awesome love.

Click here to read our full mission statement

Rider Family
Chiz In Concert
Jazz Trumpet
Family Fun
Chiz Rider

What’s New

What’s New, June 17, 2010

Summer is officially here, the kids are out of school and the fun has just begun! This is the time of year when things slow down for the ministry. We don't do many tours, in fact, our schedule is mostly weekends with a few mid-week shows here and there. Things in the office slow down as well because it's much harder to get a hold of pastors during the summer months. It's fine with me because it leaves more time for Kelli and I to spend with our...

What’s New, May 18, 2010

We've been off of the road for 3 week already and are just now starting to get caught up in the office. I know that some people don't understand every aspect of this ministry and what goes on behind the scenes; Some people think that I show up to churches, play a few songs, and then go home and sit around waiting for our next concert. That is not the case at all. There is a lot of planning that goes into each concert. We have itineraries,...

What’s New, April 27, 2010

I know that God has a purpose for everything in life, but I have a hard time seeing that purpose sometimes. I would really like to know why we have vehicle problems every spring during our western tour. We had no health problems, no injuries, the concerts were great, the turn outs were great, people accepted Christ, and even more renewed their relationship with Christ at the concerts, only one sound problem, but vehicle wise; we got our cans...

What’s New March 31, 2010

The springs tours have started off really well so far. We feel very blessed to have seen a lot of people receive Christ as their Savior the past few weeks and are hoping to see several more before the spring tour ends. We are getting ready to hit the west coast later this week. For some reason, our western tours end up having some sort of vehicle troubles, so please keep us in your prayers for traveling mercies and that we are problem free...

What’s New: 2-25-2010

Is it sad when I have to be out on tour to have a little rest and relaxation time? The last several weeks has been a huge roller coaster of craziness. Some of you may know that my father was diagnosed with an untreatable type of cancer several weeks ago. Since then, he has had several procedures and operations to remove the tumors. They removed a large tumor around his heart and one on his lung. They want to keep an eye on him throughout the...

What’s New: 1-13-2010

A new year has started and I am looking forward to seeing God do some awesome things with us.  It is so easy to look ahead and set goals, schedules, and agendas; but, my specific prayer is that my goals, schedules and agendas not be mine, but God's.  I pray that our ministry will see growth that we have never seen before.  I pray that I will grow (and not around the waist) stronger in the Lord, stronger as a husband, a father and a musician.  I...

What’s New: 12-18-2009

Wow, what a year this has been!  God has given us an awesome year.  We've done a ton of concerts, traveled all over the U.S. and most importantly,  were able to see a few hundred people begin a relationship with Christ.  We have also been blessed to have 90% of our 2010 calendar booked.  Praise God! I feel that we are entering a new phase in our ministry, I don't know what it is yet, but I see God preparing us for something new and exciting. I...

What’s New: 11-03-2009

Our New England tour went great.  I love the fall, so we couldn't have been out there at a better time.  The scenery was awesome.  We got to see over 20 people accept Christ as their personal Savior.  Praise God!  We are starting our Christmas season right now which is a crazy, busy time for us.  Keep your eye on our schedule - if we are at a town near you, come out and see our Christmas show.  We'd love to have you!  If you are on Facebook,...

Concert Schedule

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Chiz Rider Ministries
110 Science Park Court
State College, PA 16801

(814) 231-8896
FAX: (814) 231-8142

True Salvation is just a click & prayer away.